Fistula Care Tips and Tricks

Fistula Care Tips/Tricks

So, when I first developed a fistula, I had no clue how to take care of it. Heck, before I had surgery to drain my abscess, I had never even heard of a fistula before in my life. The task of finding out how to take care of my unwanted open wound was pretty daunting and my surgeon was zero help as he only told me to take a sitz bath three times a day and after each bowel movement (yes, that means in the beginning I was taking up to four or five sitz baths a day). Now that my fistula is old (I've had it for 8 months) I only need to take a sitz bath after each BM.

This post was massively helpful in giving me tips on how to take care of my fistula properly. In addition to her tips, I hope to spare you some of the anxiety I experienced in trying to figure out how to keep clean with this list of my top care tips and tricks.

1) Your first line of defense in keeping clean will be a removable shower head - especially if you have a seton in.

The fact is, no matter how well you wipe, nothing will get you cleaner than a good spritz of water. If you're unable to use a detachable shower head, a great option is a portable bidet.

2) Your next line of defense will be the sitz bath. In fact, you and the sitz bath are probably going to become very, very good friends. Depending on how new your fistula is, you may have to take up to three sitz bath a day with each session taking approximately 15 to 20 minutes. If your fistula calms down (meaning you're able to get the infection under control) you may be able to take that number down to only one sitz bath a day or only one sitz bath after each BM. With that being said, you're going to be spending a lot of time in the bathroom, so you might as well make the area as comfie as possible. I'd recommend taking in a book or a phone/tablet. Listen to music. Watch videos. Read. Whatever helps pass the time. I tend to have a designated towel that I drape over my legs while I'm sitzing. I also tend to apply my makeup while I'm sitzing to help save time and try to get to work on time. Also? If you're a woman make sure to pee after each sitz to minimize your risk of getting a urinary tract infection. It's also important to keep an eye on your lady bits as having to take multiple sitz baths a day can increase your risk of getting a yeast infection.

I've uploaded a (hopefully) helpful video highlighting my sitz bath routine. 

Also? Try to make sure to boil the sitz bath water first before you use it. You'll want the water to be as sterile as you can get it. This is a very helpful tip my aunt gave me and it was life changing.

I would also highly recommend using Epsom Salts and/or essential oils (I use 3 drops of Lavender oil per sitz because it's soothing and 3 drops of Tea Tree oil per sitz because of its antiseptic qualities) to help make sure the area is as clean and disinfected as possible.

3) You might as well take stock in toilet paper. For real. You're going to be using A LOT of it.

4) Get coconut oil. Don't question me, just do it. You can thank me later. It's anti-microbial, natural and so soooooo soothing to your often irritated perianal area.

5) You'll need stashes of various absorbent cotton accessories around any location that you spend  alot of time in (for ex home, work). Panty liners are a must. For some reason, many panty liner manufacturers don't make panty liners with wings. I found a brand called Incognito that does make very thin pads with wings. If you're able to find some, snatch up as many packages as you can. I would also recommend cotton makeup pads - these can be tucked into the area where your fistula is. They're great for catching any drainage and they are very soft so they won't add to the irritation of the area. I'd also recommend q-tips.

6) Baby wipes will become a must. I'd recommend wipes that are fragrance free. Don't flush these though as they can clog your bathroom pipes. Just make sure to wrap any used baby wipes up in toilet paper before you throw it in the trash.

7) When you're on the go, you will need to find a way to take your products with you. I'd recommend a makeup bag or a travel bag that is big enough to carry all of your supplies and a backpack.
 Fistula Supplies in my go-bag



8). You will absolutely need a mirror to check the area and ensure that it's properly clean

9) Oh! How could I forget?? You'll need a hair dryer. So SO helpful in drying off the perianal area especially if the area is irritated and drying with a towel would make things even more irritated.

Last but not least, make sure to keep your closet well stocked with back up supplies. You do NOT want to be caught unawares without the necessary pads/creams/oils or toilet paper!

I hope some of these tips help you. These are the supplies that work for me but I feel obligated to give you a disclaimer - depending on the location of your fistula and your lifestyle, these tips may or may not work as well for you.  Don't be afraid to engage in some trial and error of your own. Good luck!
